jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

I remember whatching the new about a men whose job was to take care of an island, I would like that. I think that this Island is not just that, I has all the luxuries that someone who ownes this kind of places whoud have. Living there can be fun, I guess.
What makes me doubt is that I do not know if the guy that look after this place have to make all the maintenance like: cutting the grass, the house work, security, etc. But, if the place is an island, obiusly it is very big, so that must be impossible. Then, I would enjoy this job because after the work, that it is I think, the coordination or administrations of the maintenance of the island, I woud use all the facilities around.
Aditionally, this job would leave a lot of free time to spend and the payment would be high too, so, what could be better.  
If I do know anybody who has this kind of job? I wish I have, but not. That would be great, he or she would be my best friend. I would invite myself al the time to his or her place creating excuses to be there. Even I would offer myself to work cutting the grass too. But all of these will never happen.

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